Course information pages



Very friendly staff, competitive price
Very good and friendly team. Rolandas good teacher. Many thanks.
Pawel I Seweryn
Hi my and my friend did training few weeks ago. Highly recommended, very professional and good atmosphere. All staff are very helpful. I hope I will do my hgv licence and I will come back for more.
Have just completed my flexi forklift licence and have to say how professional the service was. Thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would definitely recommend this company for your training needs. Thank you guys
Very happy with training. Trainer Rolandas explained everything very good and gave great training. I can higly recomend this place.
Laikiau pas Rolandas. Geras, malonus instruktorius gerai ismokino.
Maksim WDT
Couple of weeks ago, finished this course. Everything was top level. Excellent presentation and explanation, recommend it to everyone.
And for the course providers. Promote your course even more! Wish you all the best guys!
Arturs Mitrohins
Today had such an amazing telehandler course with top level Instructor and would highly recommend to everyone.
Done my counter balance refresher today with Alex. Most profesional and friendly instructor I've ever had. The company and all their staff are a credit to the industry and I highly recommend them to anyone. Thank you all so much
Did my 2 day forklift test today 1st day very helpful customer service good at explaning all the details.2nd day had forklift test all helped to acheive a pass on both practical and theory.Many thanks and would recommend them to anyone
Laikiausi kursus and Excavatoriaus 360.
Inctrutorius Mantas puikus mokytojas išmok ikasti taisyklingai trečiąją.Smagus kolektyvas egzaminas pass.😄
Hi All
took a test for 360 digger last week,have been given a high quality training by Mantas.
I had some experience in the past,but instructor Mantas showed me some more tricks and tips how to do thing correctly.learn allot of things during that training,and PASS my exam on last day.
cristian aristide
Valerijus Baranovas
Sveiki,praeita savaite laikiausi siuos kursus,rekomenduociau visiems kas nori laikytis nes cia patys geriausi instruktoriai.Nesupratai paklausiai paaiskino blogai vaziavai parode paaiskino vaziuoji toliau na vienu zodziu super kolektyvas.Rekomenduoju *****
Puikus instruktoriai, viskas labai gerai ir suprantamai isdestyta. Labai jums dekui.
neseniai issilaikiau CPCS teleskopinio forklifto teises ,po savaites gavau darba. rekomenduoju visiems kas nori laikytis liet kalba. Profesionaliai isaiskina viskas aukstam lygyje. Minusas-galetu buti daugiau filialu po visa Anglija, toli vazineti.REKOMENDUOJU
Labai gera kompanija,ypac instruktorius Mantas.VIska nuosekliai isaiskina ir pamoko.Rekomenduoju visiems